Help System Configuration

System Administration Information

Menu Help Call

This call definition is defined in the HighStone Menu Definitions table, tbsAppMenus, as a standard Shell Execute call; MActionId = 10800 SYS_OBJ_APPLINK.  The definition needs to reference the full Path to the Title Help Page - usually default.htm - in the field MCallName.  The target Pathname may be an absolute file reference, or include the [AppPath] prefix to refer to the HighStone Home Folder.

A standard entry for MCallName would be

[AppPath]\HighStone Help\default.htm


Menu Call from Display Forms

Direct Calls to Help Pages are triggered by making a ShellExecute call to the target Help Page File within the entire Help System.  The Help Application is able to reconstruct the entire Help Display from such an entry.

The following Configuration is required:

    [AppPath]\HighStone Help